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January 2020 Safety Champion

By Kirsty Fletcher-Reid on 31 Jan 2020

2020 is a new year filled with new opportunities. To kick the year off in an unprecedented manner we would like to highlight not one, but two Safety Champions for the month of January.


To demonstrate that all crew on board Fletcher Vessels regardless of their position, contribute to the safety and wellbeing of all crew working offshore, we would like to thank Chief Engineer on board FS Aberdour, Robert Doyle, for his safety observation.


During a safety drill on the main deck, Bob noticed a loose cargo item within a cargo container which was intended for offshore transfer. He immediately informed the Master who in turn relayed the information to the Offshore Platform to be aware when opening the container. These actions undoubtably contributed to preventing damage and potential injury to personnel during or post transfer.


Similarly, 2nd Officer on board FS Braemar Matti Christoffer Jensen, made a valuable observation whilst on watch on the bridge. Matti noticed an offshore installation was incorrectly displayed on the ECDIS system when varying between ranges onscreen. He contacted the coastguard responsible for issuing the relevant navigational warning, who agreed to postpone the decommissioning navigation warning until the work was completed.


Both these observations highlight the wide variety and ever-changing risks that our crew face on a daily basis at sea. We would therefore not only like to say a huge congratulation to both Bob and Matti for their well-earned title of Safety Champion, but we would like to thank all out crew across the fleet for continuing to operate at the highest of standards. We look forward to continuing to demonstrate the pride and aptitude that our crew demonstrate throughout 2020. 

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