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On-board vessel training

By Kirsty Fletcher-Reid on 22 Aug 2019

At Fletcher we value knowledge. We know that there is always time for practical training whether it's Fire Drills or Risk Assessment. Our crew understand that theory is valuable knowledge, and for theory to work we need good practice.


Our team therefore strives to ensure that continuous training across the fleet is engaging and constructive. Over the years the Personnel and HSEQ teams have worked alongside our vessel Senior Officers to create an all-encompassing training plan to be undertaken on board our vessels on a regular basis.


This training can be broadened into 3 areas: statutory training in response to marine legislation, training in response to industry guidance and voluntary training delivered onboard.

Our on-board statutory training includes:

- Fire

- Abandon ship

- Security

- Enclosed space entry & rescue

- Pollution

In addition, our 'Industry guidance' training includes:

- Cyber security

- DP


The above are managed and delivered by Senior Officers on board the vessel and involve all personnel. These are also witnessed and input into by company management personnel, most notably Fleet Masters and Fleet Chief Engineers during assurance voyages.

Voluntary adopted training includes:

- Risk assessment

- Manual handling

- Bridge resource management

- Handling of LFL cargo


Our two Fleet Masters rotate around the fleet assisting with such training onboard; allowing clear and open communication lines back to the shore team.


Recently, our newest Fleet Master Gints Adams was on board FS Abergeldie and saw first-hand the training taking place for both Fire and Risk Assessment. He was able to share an overview of the task and photos of the team. The exercise saw two teams working separately on a task to refresh their knowledge, then teams then had to present their outcome to the rest of the group. On this occasion, the risk assessment was for an enclosed space entry.


All members of the crew were involved, including our Engine Cadet who was given the opportunity to present his team's findings. Such training events on board are exceptionally valuable and prove that continuous training and practice mean for a safer environment on board our vessels. 



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